NONzine Video

December 27th, 2007
DFEST 2007, Part 1:
Here's a few highlights of what we managed to video at the DFEST 2007. Part 1 of our 2 videos features Colourmusic of Stillwater, OK, and Tulsa's own Leon Russell. Part 2 will have The Flaming Lips and segments from a special interview with Wayne Coyne.

November 9th, 2007
El Paso Hot Button Tears It Up:
EPHB at the Classic Rock Cafe on 11/28/2003, featuring the "Sewing Machine Demonstration" followed by an acoustic version of "Lakita Can't Sing".

October 19th, 2007
Duel: Asleep, Audience...Dream! vs. The Grammarians
Please check out the fantastic article that corresponds with this video:

October 6th, 2007
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum visits Oklahoma Part 1:
A compilation of performances by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum ranging from 2003-2007, all shot in the OKC Metro area. Part 1 is "A Hymn to the Morning Star" and Part 2 is "The Donkey-Headed Adversary Opens the Discussion". Be sure and check out the NONzine article on Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum visits Oklahoma Part 2:
A compilation of performances by Sleepytime Gorilla Museum ranging from 2003-2007, all shot in the OKC Metro area. Part 1 is "A Hymn to the Morning Star" and Part 2 is "The Donkey-Headed Adversary Opens the Discussion". Be sure and check out the NONzine article on Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.

September 7th, 2007
Oozing Franken-Prophetics:
Here's a video shot by Dustin Haynes & crew for the sexy hip-hop duo, Mad Happy, as heard on NONcast.

August 28th, 2007
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: As heard on the August 10th broadcast of NONcast, the extremely talented and creative Sleepytime Gorilla Museum perform the song "The Donkey-Headed Adversary of Humanity Opens the Discussion" for an encore at the LiT Lounge in Bricktown of Oklahoma City on August 8th, 2007. The main melody of the song was partially written on the lawn of Oklahoma University, inspired by the local bird life. Be sure and check out the NONzine article on Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.

August 17th, 2007
Emily Was Right: Here's a video shot in 2003 by Kevin Ely and Steve Kelley for the song "Emily Was Right" by the band The Fellowship Students, as heard on NONcast. The song was written and sung by Professor Matthew Alvin Brown. The other members, Nathan Siler, Steven Stark, and Jacob Becannen, are the clean-up crew.

"Emily Was Right" by The Fellowship Students

August 10th, 2007
Too Much Sun: Here's the video "Too Much Sun," as heard on NONcast with the interview of John Thomas from the Oklahoma band, Syloken. The video was done by Ben Lindesmith of Zanzibar Studios and it was the winner of Outstanding Technical and Artistic Achievemnet at the 2007 IAO Film Festival.

July 6th, 2007
Mind of Matthew: As heard on NONcast, these are animated music videos done by the young and talented Matthew Kaney. Be sure and read the NONzine article Mind of Matthew.

"Hot Times" by The Black Tie Event

April 23rd, 2007
POP Surrealism Show: Shots from the pre-show signing party at Size Records and the POP Surrealism Show at City Arts Center, including Frank Kozik, Jared Connor, and even a chat with Winston Smith.

NONzine -- "POP Surrealism Show"

April 20th, 2007
Rollercentric: Moose Ondaluce Interviews Hurt Reynolds of Seattle's Rat City Rollergirls

TARG - Hurt Reynolds Interview

February 9th, 2007
Action NONnews: Artist Hugh Meade camps out in Paseo to show his love.

NONzine -- "Valentine"

Sept. 29th, 2006
Skulls Unlimited: A rare business of complete flesh removal.

NONzine -- "Skulls Unlimited"

WARNING: Contains scenes of a graphic nature. Stomachs be advised.

Sept. 15th, 2006
Twenty Minutes to Vegas(9MB)
A special clip from their CD release show at the Green Door, January 30th, 2004, along with their hit "Gotta Gotta" live, and an out-of-control audience. We present this as a FAREWELL gift, as they leave the OKC scene to bite some bigger apples. Best of luck in New York, guys!

August 4th, 2006

July 21st, 2006

May 26th, 2006
Clips from's
4th Quasi-Annual Garage Sale & Show(4.4MB)

May 12th, 2006
Steve McNutt--1 (700KB)Steve McNutt--2 (600KB) Steve McNutt--3 (1MB)
Clips that correspond with the NONzine interview with boardsport enthusiast Steve McNutt from Altered Skates, in "Surf, Skate, and Snow...the Youth Movement"

Check out video of local skaters doing tricks and having fun at

April 28th, 2006
Michael Bell (1.8MB)
Clips corresponding to the NONzine article "A Drummer's Circle", an interview with Michael Bell on his documentary, Uncommon Passage, about the life and career of ex-Ozzy drummer Randy Castillo.

©2006-2007 NONCO Media, L.L.C.